May 23rd, 2017

xira, don't be such a scaredycat, it's only an unknown arcane ritual powerful enough to destroy hundreds of aberrants!

And as always, you can vote for an extra doodle! This one is about food.

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Comment by Glew

I just realized that out of context, the last panel is Tareth friendzoning Xira, who pretends he is okay with is.
"I don't feel anything [for you]" "haha, cool, me neither - I'm dead inside"


posted at 6:53am on May 24th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

though "does it feel weird to you" would be a very strange way to express interest in someone xD


posted at 10:54pm on May 24th, 2017

Reply by Glew

Let's not pretend Xira isn't weird sometimes :D


posted at 12:28pm on May 25th, 2017

Reply by eoforyth

Out of context, perhaps. I think what is really happening is that he is asking the only 'not-magic' member of the party if it feels odd, different, to her, as he doesn't feel weird. More importantly, he isn't picking up all those stray thoughts and feelings all the time, like he was from the crowd when we first see him. Now, that MUST feel odd!


posted at 10:42am on May 26th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

Xira does have to cast the thought-reading spell, though! He doesn't automatically pick up on the thoughts of people around him when that spell isn't running.

I'll also say that the folks picking up on a "YEAH HAHA ME NEITHER;;;;;" vibe in that last panel are getting the gist of it xD


posted at 12:23pm on May 26th, 2017

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