Name: Severian of Ilvanov ("Sev")
Magic: Shape-changing (Animal Shifter)
Age: 20
Height: 5'9"
Gender: Male
Birthday: March 29th
First Appearance: Page 1.1
Music: "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down Tareth's bodyguard and childhood friend, he's having a bit of trouble with a shape-changing spell that didn't QUITE work out as he'd hoped.
Name: Tareth Ari of Kalorig ("Tarri")
Magic: Mundane
Age: 17
Height: 5'1"
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 7th
First Appearance: Page 1.1
Music: "Frozen" by Madonna,
"Crash and Burn" by Savage Garden
Profoundly deaf and sheltered by her family, she had never REALLY planned to leave her hometown, much less accompany her rambunctious runewriter friend all over Varænske.
Name: Esra Servas of Næmth
Magic: Ritual Magician (Sortiar)
Age: 30
Height: 5'7"
Gender: Male
Birthday: September 13th
First Appearance: Page 1.31
Music: "Temporal Shenanigans" by Rachel Macwhirter
The Agorath Order's under-appreciated second-in-command. He only wishes his order were properly organised.
Quentin Agorath
Name: Quentin Agorath of Ayton
Magic: Ritual Magician (Agorath)
Age: 23
Height: 6'1"
Gender: Male
Birthday: January 30th
First Appearance: Page 1.32
Music: "In the Shadows" by The Rasmus The somewhat enigmatic head of the Agorath Order.
Name: Jonan of Rusanne
Magic: Life Magic (Necromancy, Healing, and Nature Control)
Age: 29
Height: 6'4"
Gender: Male
Birthday: January 5th
First Appearance: Page 2.13
Music: "The Grudge" by Tool Rusanne's infamous necromancer would ordinarily never tolerate the altogether-too-cheery company of the likes of Sev and Tareth, but after accidentally sealing his own mouth shut, he might not have much of a choice.
First Appearance: Page 2.38
Music: "welcome to kitty city" by Cyriak Jonan's (adorable???) pet zombie, who loves him very much.
Name: Iavin Temeran of Poquri
Magic: Witch (Puppet-master)
Age: 44
Height: 5'11"
Gender: Male
Birthday: November 10th
First Appearance: Page 2.42
Music: "Where I Want To Be" from the musical Chess For some reason, the Agorath Order thought they would be able to intimidate a bounty hunter with mind control into helping them. It's not working out like any of them thought it would.
Name: Huiana Tama-Xira
Magic: Witch (Mind-reader)
Age: 15
Height: 5'6"
Gender: Male
Birthday: June 8th
First Appearance: Page 3.16
Music: "Flawed Design" by Stabilo An uncertain but friendly trader boy Tareth met by "chance" who's keen on helping, but not so keen on letting on exactly HOW he's helping.
Because, I mean, he's clearly totally mundane.
Name: Æmber Mariya of Dhemin
Magic: Magic Manifest
Age: 11
Height: 4'0"
Gender: Female
Birthday: December 9th
First Appearance: Page 3.21
Music: Get Jinxed from Riot Games
Outgoing, exuberant, and very, very bored, she would jump at the chance to see just about anything that's not the inside of the church she's been kept in for years. Even the Chosen One should get some time off!