May 2nd, 2017


And as always you can vote for an extra doodle! This one ponders the checking-out process.

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Comment by The Wing

... WELL.

I'm sure they could arrange to build a house inside that square and never leave, right? :P


posted at 8:31am on May 2nd, 2017

Reply by The Wing

Although, I'm getting the feeling this doesn't remove all miscasts in the zone, just aberrants and aberrant-pieces. It would be insane if the dragon horns, monster feet, skeletal tail, sealed lips and force field cube just all vanished! The Agorath Order would suddenly be in HUGE demand.

But they did claim to be able to remove Iavin's miscast... I have a lot of questions that shan't be answered. >8I


posted at 8:37am on May 2nd, 2017

Reply by Thracecius

That's the best theory I've seen so far, and I'm inclined to agree, especially since I still haven't quite wrapped my head around the magic system yet.

Let's see where this magic pink stuff takes us, folks! :D


posted at 2:28pm on May 2nd, 2017

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