January 18th, 2016

And that's why you shouldn't be casting.

HEY!! Check out the cool social media links my bro Flak helped me get set up at the top there!! In order, that's RW on Tapastic, Tumblr, Twitter, Deviantart, Comic Rocket, and TV Tropes.
Tapastic, Comic Rocket, and TV Tropes are pretty new links -- Tapastic is a publishing platform and community for webcomics that I definitely recommend checking out if you read a lot of comics (or publish your own!) and you can subscribe to read RW there if you like it! Comic Rocket basically lets you bookmark your place on this website and subscribe for updates. And the TV Tropes page for RW is kind of a fun one because it's entirely reader-created, and anyone can add to it -- just finding all the tropes and character archetypes (and occasionally reader theories) that crop up in RW! I get a huge kick out of the tropes you guys find, so I wanted to link it, too. :D

OH ALSO: Kiriska pointed out to me last week that I FORGOT TO MENTION THE VOTE INCENTIVE SO: click the blue box to vote, and get an extra silly doodle about Sev's dragon form!

Vote Incentive for This Comic.

Comment by PaleSheep

Oh Sev, haven't you learned by now? If Tarri has turned her back on you it means "end of discussion". Literally, discussion no longer possible.

... Not that it's possible at that point anyway.


posted at 8:53pm on January 18th, 2016

Reply by DeseretGear

Clever way to end a conversation though.
"Don't act like you can't hear m- oh wait you can't"


posted at 10:05pm on January 18th, 2016

Reply by Shazzbaa

This is probably my favourite little detail I learned about -- On one of my ASL websites they talked about how sometimes deaf friends in an argument would look away and keep signing as a way to say "SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO WHAT I'M SAYING" (and also stressed that you really shouldn't do this b/c it can be prETTY RUDE if you don't know the other person really really well xD)

(naturally, Tareth keeps doing it)


posted at 2:46pm on January 19th, 2016

Reply by PaleSheep

Oh man I hadn't even picked up on the look-away on that page! Not in that sense anyway... I kinda took the closed eyes as "I don't like talking out loud but I'm going to anyway" but that makes it SO MUCH COOLER.


posted at 10:50pm on January 19th, 2016

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