December 3rd, 2012
Everything Sev does is so incredibly cute. I mean, watching him try to be sly and devious is just. So. Adorkable.
>.> <.<
May have just donated to Heifer International, despite being in a comically terrible financial situation. Hooray contributing!
And Merry <insert celebrated festive holiday here>!
posted at 4:04am on December 4th, 2012
Adorkable is actually a great adjective for Sev. xD
(ALSO I'm going to have to make an addendum to the wallpaper thing - the honour card option doesn't actually tell me your e-mail address OOPS SOMEHOW DID NOT THINK OF THIS so I don't know where to send the wallpaper too. >.> If you can shoot me an email I will send you the wallpaper! xD )
posted at 4:43pm on December 5th, 2012
Totally senteded an email!
Thanks for your time an' stuff :D
posted at 5:29pm on December 5th, 2012
Huh, never saw the comment section on this site before. Anyway, I just had to say, that second to last pannel made me burst out laughing.
posted at 5:09am on December 4th, 2012
Ahhhhh thank you! xD
posted at 4:55pm on December 5th, 2012
And the next page will be Severian going to tell Tareth the good news...Still holding hands with Jonan.
posted at 10:31am on December 4th, 2012
a;lkdsjasdjsk oh that would be so unfortunate
posted at 4:54pm on December 5th, 2012
Bahaha! XD Sev, way to prove to us that you're actually quite clever when you need to be. I like how reluctant Jonan still looks, but hey, he AGREED. Way to trick him, Sev.
And we ALL know Sev was just WAITING to give Jonan that unfortunate 'hand'shake. XD
Sev's "=)!" face is adorable.
posted at 11:52am on December 4th, 2012
It's true! Sev's not dumb, he's just..... common-sense.... challenged.
I'm not gonna lie, that face is one of my favourites. xD
posted at 4:54pm on December 5th, 2012
There are SO many four-letter words that could fit in that speech bubble. XD
posted at 5:08am on December 9th, 2012
Sev's expression in panel 7 is precious. I squealed out loud at that and the "hand"shake. Jonan's expression there cracks me up. That's an understandable reaction to shaking hands with a person with tentacle hands.
posted at 5:53pm on December 4th, 2012
Especially when said tentacle-handed person is that enthusiastic. It might be okay shaking his squidhands if he weren't SO GOSHDARNED PLEASED ABOUT IT
posted at 4:58pm on December 5th, 2012
Yaaaayyy! This'll be such a fun adventure! xD A naive chica + an adult beastboy + an old grump = wonderful impending dialogue! ^-^
posted at 8:58pm on December 4th, 2012
Hahahahaha that is a wonderful description of everyone! xD Sev is going to have a fun adventure whether anyone else wants to or not.
(....not sure how much Jonan will contribute to dialogue tho. just to say.)
posted at 4:47pm on December 5th, 2012
Those lower three panels are entirely too contrived. And I mean that in the best way possible.
posted at 1:11am on December 5th, 2012
What? Severian, try to force a handshake to happen just to irk Jonan? WHY, PERISH THE THOUGHT
posted at 4:59pm on December 5th, 2012
You made "I don't give an eFF" memes out of Master Agorath. Now you have to make a facepalm meme out of Jonan. :D
Also that hand-shake is just so much fun.
posted at 10:46am on December 5th, 2012
For some reason I visualized Sev doing the facepalm instead, and that is a hilariously unfortunate image. :D
posted at 12:11am on December 6th, 2012
Oh my, it is hilariously horrible. :D
posted at 9:21am on December 7th, 2012
Comment by Asterai
Heh, that's what I thought Sev was going to do. Not so bad, see?
posted at 2:40am on December 4th, 2012