February 6th, 2012
"Oh crap not this again" is a great name for a runewriter spell. xD
And yes! So far we've seen that runes get used up after they're cast. :3
posted at 9:16pm on February 7th, 2012
Ah, memory, it's over-rated ^^"
posted at 5:04am on February 8th, 2012
I don't usually comment on things.
But Severian's spell names actually made me laugh and I am still smiling. Severian is the best at naming spells.
Thank you for this.
posted at 12:13pm on February 7th, 2012
Oooh, you slipped a teeny bit of TNH into the incentive. Thumbs up C:
posted at 9:03am on February 9th, 2012
Great consistency in the first row: Tari can't tell what Sev is saying til he turns his face toward her more!
posted at 11:04pm on February 14th, 2012
The "fish-head" picture... Ehhhhh WTF...
posted at 11:14am on August 17th, 2013
...Wait a second... Runes have to be written on something magical... Are those... dragons scales? Did he pull dragons scales from himself in dragon form to use as runewriting material?
posted at 8:09pm on July 22nd, 2015
Comment by Glew
Just to make this clear: Runes are used up/exhausted when used? Also it would be interesting to see his other spells. "That stuff that does the thing" and "That other spell" and probably "Oh crap not this again"
posted at 8:06am on February 7th, 2012