June 5th, 2018
This has happened before? Oh man that stinks so bad! I'm glad you're ok! Please get back on your (and grandma's) feet before worrying about all of us
posted at 1:29am on June 5th, 2018
Oh no! I hope you guys are ok/hope youre able to recover fully and that your grandma is well too/takes it easy (I understand about the watching part... my mom doesn't take it easy either when injured >_>) Anyway, hope that you're able to rest and to have a better week!
posted at 1:36am on June 5th, 2018
quick and healthy recoveries. hopefully the collision was such that your car remained safely functional
posted at 3:35am on June 5th, 2018
Take it easy. You were in that car as well.
posted at 4:08am on June 5th, 2018
I don't mind waiting for my Runewriters fix - what is most important is that you are both okay. Rest and be well!
posted at 6:08am on June 5th, 2018
man, that's the pits. glad you are mostly ok. hope recovery is quick and smooth. all the best to you & your family.
posted at 9:43am on June 5th, 2018
Take all the time you need- we'll be here when you get back. <3
posted at 9:43am on June 5th, 2018
Wish you both a quick recovery. Dart guns have been known to work on Grandmas (and Moms) who do not know when to stop and rest. Or lassos.
posted at 9:49am on June 5th, 2018
Wishing you the best. I know how that goes. I've been in both roles, and to be quite honest, I much prefer the role of the cantankerous patient who's supposed to be getting complete bedrest but refuses to stay in bed. Actually *having* to stay in bed would be even worse than the caring for the person who kept trying to get out of bed, however.
posted at 3:38pm on June 5th, 2018
Oh no! I hope you and your grandmother heal well! I've never commented before, but I've been a long-time reader of your comics and I hope you stay happy and well!
posted at 4:42pm on June 5th, 2018
Take your time ^^
posted at 4:50pm on June 5th, 2018
Oh! I'm glad you and your grandmother are okay, take your time!
posted at 2:47am on June 6th, 2018
My grandmother also was not very good at taking it easy and recovering. She also had memory issues.
Wishing you and yours a speedy recovery.
posted at 11:20pm on June 6th, 2018
Goodness! I'm glad to hear you and your grandmother are okay. My grandma is also one of those people that refuses to take it easy, so I get it. Please take the time to recover and rest that you need. Even if you don't get injured, car accidents can still be a metaphorical pain in the butt.
posted at 1:28am on June 7th, 2018
Wow, I sure hope that you both get rest and feel better. Recovery is the most important thing, take as many weeks as you need.
posted at 10:31pm on June 11th, 2018
Comment by LotusQueen
Oh my goodness!
I hope you two recover and are able to relax!
posted at 12:23am on June 5th, 2018