October 10th, 2017

y-you okay there, buddy?

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Comment by Himochi

I love the colours SO so much in this chapter ao far. GORGEOUS.


posted at 7:31am on October 10th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

Ahhhhhhhhhh gosh, thank you so much!! I've been trying something really different with the colouring so it's really cool to hear it's working!! *u*


posted at 9:43am on October 10th, 2017

Reply by RDawn

What exactly are you doing differently?

I mean, I can tell things are different but I can't really say how.


posted at 6:44pm on October 10th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

The colours in these last two pages have been picked by hand!

I don't know how much digital colouring you do, so I apologise if this is overexplaining, but!! In previous pages, it's basically been like.... normally, if I'm colouring a red apple, I'll colour it red, and then have a layer under everything to create the lighting of the scene that shifts that colour (since it might not look Bright Red in some lighting), and then make a shading/multiply layer and use, like, blue or something to colour on that layer, which will make a darker, bluish shadow on the apple.

In these pages, I've been trying to figure out those colours directly instead -- picking out the shade of red that the apple would be in this lighting, and then picking out or mixing the shade of purple that a blue shadow would create. It's a lot harder for me, since colour is something I've always found difficult, but it kinda gives you a lot more precision so I'm trying it out!! I might have to go back and forth while I'm getting the hang of it, but I'm really thrilled folks have been liking the pages so far!! *u*


posted at 1:27am on October 15th, 2017

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