(<< In case you missed it, there was also a normal update this week!)
I thought themes would be fun, so this Halloween the costume theme is Webcomics!
Acacitli from Final Arcanum I'm pretty sure Acacitli and Severian are actually the same person.
Meulin Leijon from Homestuck
UM Homestuck has a super-adorable deaf girl as well, I'm not sure how I could resist this.
Dante Shepherd from Surviving the World I am going to admit that I first started reading StW because I was way too amused that Dante kind of looked like a much younger/less-haggard version of Jonan. But then it was entertaining, so I kept reading.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE enjoy the little holiday bonus! c:
(Incentive is still the same, in case anyone hadn't seen it from the normal update yet)