April 4th, 2017

Okay xira now YOURE ruining the moment

As always, don't forget to vote for an extra doodle! If you're curious where a certain someone has been for this conversation.

OH HEY ALSO I forgot to do my monthly plug -- the Q&A answers for last month went up over on patreon, and if you're a $5 backer, there's a few more days to get questions in for this month!! :D

Vote Incentive for This Comic.

Comment by Kiri

Wait, wait. Does...Necropony actually sleep? Is it sleep???


posted at 1:17am on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

Necropony seems to understand sleeping, and occasionally pretends to sleep! but does not actually need to sleep


posted at 9:00pm on April 5th, 2017

Comment by Obligatonym

Ah! It's nice to see characters overcoming their prejudice and learning to work together. Now let us all wait patiently for Xira's sudden yet inevitable betrayal.


posted at 2:12am on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

he'll need to work on his evil laugh


posted at 9:09pm on April 5th, 2017

Comment by Nnelg

I don't get it, what's up with his hand?


posted at 2:16am on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Jess

On page 4.35, Xira's left pinky finger was accidentally absorbed by Sev while he was in abberant form.


posted at 2:42am on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Nnelg

I see now. That hurts; the pinky is actually a more important finger than most people realize.


posted at 5:57pm on April 5th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

50% of grip strength!!!!!
fortunately (???) it wasn't actually painful for Xira, just very very alarming.


posted at 9:04pm on April 5th, 2017

Reply by Jabun The Wanderer

Well, hopefully Sev can figure out a way to use his aberrant form to return lost bits to people.


posted at 12:14am on April 8th, 2017

Comment by Glew

I am unspeakably happy about this C:


posted at 6:07am on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa


its always good to see the boys getting along, kind of, mostly!! ;u;


posted at 9:09pm on April 5th, 2017

Comment by Toanovu

Sev's face in that last panel is one of my favorite things now. I think it's the eyes. XP


posted at 6:36am on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

omg Im so glad


posted at 9:10pm on April 5th, 2017

Reply by Glew

The last panel Sev really reminds me of Sydney Scovile from grrlpower comic. I dounbt there is any real connection, though now that I think of it, they are both rather impulsive.


posted at 1:06pm on April 6th, 2017

Comment by PK


Xira, are you reflexively lying, or do you have a much narrower definition of mind control than people who might, for example, be inclined to use the term for having thoughts not their own introduced surreptitiously into their head?


posted at 7:19am on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

"mind control" would usually mean you can take control of someone's mind, which Xira can't actually do. He can get in and make suggestions and make those suggestions sound like your own thoughts, so it's perhaps splitting hairs to make the distinction and might be, uh, downplaying his abilities somewhat, but he can't directly take control.


posted at 9:05pm on April 5th, 2017

Comment by Mythee

Xira needs to lie constantly to protect himself. I don't blame him if it becomes a reflex. Though I think he should have corrected himself after it turned out Sev wasn't making a case against him based on mind control. XD Now there's going to be. Another drama bomb later.

Come to think of traumas and stuff, I wonder if witches would be able to be highly skilled therapists.

Vote spoilers: so, Jonan is in the 'can't move the cat' camp... Unexpected but cute 8'D


posted at 8:56am on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Fal

I think witches would be awesome therapists too!


posted at 12:13pm on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

(I think Jonan might actually be in the "physically not strong enough to move the cat" camp)


posted at 9:05pm on April 5th, 2017

Reply by Mythee

(That's similar to my gf's camp, 'too lazy to move the cat', but even more magnificent.)


posted at 9:36pm on April 5th, 2017

Comment by Why?!?!

Yay, this is wonderful! But Xira, you maybe should be more forthcoming about your abilities. If you don't get it all out in the open now it's just going to cause more problems later.


posted at 12:05pm on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa



posted at 9:10pm on April 5th, 2017

Comment by Fal

I love how Sev is like "you're right-handed? Oh that's cool then if I absorbed one of your fingers" and how it probably has to do with his pretty fluid definition of physical integrity due to his limbs getting added, removed or changed in miscasts all the time.


posted at 12:12pm on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

It's also partially because he caught the reference :3


posted at 9:06pm on April 5th, 2017

Reply by PK


Okay, that's adorable. :D :D :D

...I mean, as much as things can be when you're talking about the potential or actual loss of body parts. I admire that this does not stop them.


posted at 4:18pm on April 6th, 2017

Reply by Fal

Oh! I hadn't. Nice!


posted at 8:16pm on April 8th, 2017

Comment by Hero

I didn't even notice he lost a finger until now, gosh. I am... really unobservant.

It's good to see things are starting to work out! I wonder how Jonan is though, he isn't in any panels.


posted at 2:15pm on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

You're definitely not alone! xD When I was researching I found out it's very common, in real life, for folks not to notice missing finger injuries, even on friends they'd known for years -- APPARENTLY THAT HOLDS TRUE IN COMICS AS WELL


posted at 9:07pm on April 5th, 2017

Comment by Ooorah

Not sure how I never found this comic before. It's pretty awesome. I didn't stop laughing on my whole read-through.


posted at 10:03pm on April 4th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! :D I'm so glad you're getting a kick out of it!!


posted at 9:07pm on April 5th, 2017

Comment by Singing SEAAAA

The interesting question is - how is Jonan feeling about all of this? Will we get his reaction shots? *wink wink*
Did he know after all or did it also take him by surprise? I thought he knew after the first sharing all secrets campfire, but later I started thinking he doesn't know given how he was acting, but the way he looked when he took his headscarf of it seemed like he's known for longer, or it all clicked together this night but he's not really caring about him being a witch much.


posted at 4:18pm on April 10th, 2017

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