March 28th, 2017

Sev!! you are ruining the moment.

MAN you guys I just gotta tell you how awesome it was reading all your comments last week!! I MEAN IT ALWAYS IS, but there were so many cool, thoughtful posts, and I just feel so fortunate that you all are reading and sharing your thoughts! ;u; Thank you so much!!

As always, don't forget to vote for an extra doodle! This one has a little info about the trader religion.

Vote Incentive for This Comic.

Comment by Kiri

Ohhhhh, the explanation of the turban is really neat! I really love the worldbuilding in RW. ;v;

Also, the lighting makes it hard to discern Xira's natural hair color? Is he? Blond??


posted at 12:08am on March 28th, 2017

Reply by Ikwig

Yes, he is blond. Mind magic runewriters have hair tips which are black, though (if I remember correctly), so it would be very obvious exactly what kind of runewriter he is if he wasn't a trader who , along with all of his people, wears a turban.

And yes, I agree that the worldbuilding is very well done - for me, at least, a good storyline can be completely ruined by not thinking through the mechanics of how the background (world) where the story is set works, so I'm super happy with RW! :)


posted at 2:35pm on March 28th, 2017

Reply by Shazzbaa

Aw, thanks guys! And yes, he is blonde! His hair colour is actually very close to Tareth's.


posted at 7:13pm on March 29th, 2017

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