January 10th, 2017
ahhh thanks! I like it as a little hint that tareth has no friends is missing a connection with any kind of deaf community, but i felt like I'd better mention that it's intentional, haha
posted at 1:18am on January 11th, 2017
Norwegian uses Ash!
This is the Norwegian one hand alphabet http://www.acm.no/materiell/handalfabet/1hands.html
And this is the two hand on
posted at 1:15am on January 10th, 2017
Weird. The Danish one has a different Ø. (Æ is the same, although pronounced considerably different from the way it's pronounced in this comic)
http://denstoredanske.dk/@api/deki/files/7292/=324316.501.jpg?size=webview and https://www.fddb.dk/media/1059/haandalfabetet-planche.jpg?width=393&height=304
posted at 1:33am on January 10th, 2017
These two look about the same though
posted at 1:45am on January 10th, 2017
Awesome!! Now I know how to spell my daughter's name!
posted at 9:48pm on August 12th, 2017
whoa dude!! Thank you for linking these!! I hadn't seen a two-handed alphabet before, this is really cool. :O
(and I'm thrilled to learn that the ash is a noticeably different handshape from anything in ASL's alphabet!!)
posted at 1:18am on January 11th, 2017
I came, I read, I admired the bricks.
I did, after all, read this comic solely to admire those bricks. ;D
posted at 6:41am on January 10th, 2017
Yeah, those are admirable bricks. They have individuality. They aren't just an other brick in the wall.
posted at 3:01pm on January 10th, 2017
The real stars of the show
posted at 1:19am on January 11th, 2017
-squints- ...is Jonan drawing out her signs?
posted at 7:47am on January 10th, 2017
Also! I see Xira likes spicy food. I love all your details! You've got a great way of slipping in more information without pointing it out with giant flashing neon signs and that's just awesome.
posted at 7:49am on January 10th, 2017
I was laughing to myself at Sev breathing fire off to the side.
posted at 9:31am on January 10th, 2017
Ahhh thank you!! I don't always get to work in everything I want, so I'm always excited when there's a chance to fit in some extra details x3 (and it's so cool how much thought you guys put into noticing little details, too!!)
xira is so psyched for properly spicy food
posted at 1:20am on January 11th, 2017
It makes sense, Jonan is kind of the type that I doubt he wants to do anything in front of people unless he can do it well.
posted at 11:29am on January 10th, 2017
this is an accurate assessment honestly
posted at 1:21am on January 11th, 2017
HA! Nice catch!!! I think he is. Htcha! He IS more pragmatic than that, he just refuses to admit, also silly hand-waving is undignified and below him. (I guess. I honestly don't see why he wouldn't want to learn this other than pride)
posted at 3:09pm on January 10th, 2017
it's the pride. let's be honest.
though maybe less of the "admitting this would be a useful way to communicate" reluctance and more of the "taking instruction from small annoying girl" variety
posted at 1:21am on January 11th, 2017
Yes, Sev. Use your runewriting whilst the ritualists are doing their mystic mojo stuff. That's never worked out poorly in the past for you, has it?
posted at 1:40pm on January 10th, 2017
Yeah, that last panel is worrying me too . . . Sadly, Sev seems to be the kind of person who doesn't pay to much attention to what's going on around him. He's never going to be a spy/ninja/writer (on the off chance that any of those were on his "what I wanta be when I grow up" list).
posted at 4:25pm on January 10th, 2017
look I am nine times less observant than sev and I somehow became a writer, THERES HOPE FOR HIM YET
posted at 1:22am on January 11th, 2017
I have ADHD and I'm a writer. Being observant is not a prerequisite.
posted at 11:35am on January 12th, 2017
"It would be NICE if you learned". Yes Tareth, because from all that we have learned about Jonan up to this point makes it abundantly clear that being nice is one of Jonan's core values and strong motivators. :)
Though to be honest, I'm a but surprised by his resistance. I thought he is far more pragmatic than this. Maybe he doesn't want to because that would be like admitting that his speech impediment (NOT a miscast!!!) is not just something that will pass in 2-3 days?
I honestly don't know how they will get him to eat soon though. He is very skinny which means that he is already sorta malnourished. He won't last long. I am skinny myself, and I can go a whole day without even noticing I didn't eat, but then when hunger kicks in, it is mean and awful. I tried fasting once. I didn't eat, I only drank water and tea. By evening I just couldn't keep it up, I was getting dizzy and shaky.
posted at 3:07pm on January 10th, 2017
Re: Vote Incentive. I also finger-spell with my non-dominant hand, though in my case this is probably because I was learning in more casual/"expose your child to new things!" environment. Or maybe they just thought I was a lefty and rolled with it. I dunno! (the alphabet is also the only thing I know in sign these days.) Anyway, that amused me!
Xira, unless you have some weird magic reason why signing would be bad, you should learn. Make nice with the girl you kinda sorta seem to be flirting with. (I maaaaay, be in a rowboat adjacent the Good Ship Xireth...) Also, it's fun and useful!
posted at 3:12pm on January 10th, 2017
SERIOUSLY XIRA, mess up a sign, then she fixes it and you're ~accidentally~ holding hands, YOURE MISSING A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY HERE
posted at 1:28am on January 11th, 2017
Tareth - being ambidextrous is a good thing: sign with whichever hand you want, write with whichever hand you want, and don't let anyone tell you it's "weird" or "wrong"! (I was ambidextrous until 3rd grade, when my teacher forced me to only use my right hand, so it's possible I'm mildly bitter . . .)
posted at 4:31pm on January 10th, 2017
being ambidextrous is definitely rad, it sucks to stifle that!!
tareth is not ambidextrous, though, she is just a leftie in a right-handed world
posted at 1:29am on January 11th, 2017
I love that you include details like Tareth signing with her non-dominant hand and how Sev doesn't like Xira's spicy food! It gives the comic so much more depth and realism and it's wonderful.
posted at 5:47pm on January 10th, 2017
(gosh, thank you!) I feel like sev is definitely the kind of person who would eat a ghost pepper on a dare like he's some kinda tough guy but then scream and cry through the entire experience
posted at 1:30am on January 11th, 2017
I've always liked this webcomic for having a hearing impaired main character. (I'm deaf myself) Even moreso when I realized you use ASL for the signs! Proper representation of 'disabled' people is rare in comics. Only other one I can think of is Hawkeye, because in the comics, he's canonically deaf as well, but due to injury. So I guess the point being, awesome comic!
posted at 8:22am on January 12th, 2017
Thank you so much, this means a lot!! ;u;
posted at 3:02pm on January 13th, 2017
I see Sev, while being largely ignored, is about to do something that could not possibly go wrong.
posted at 3:16pm on January 16th, 2017
Comment by Kiri
I love that you put thought into everything mentioned in the vote incentive.
posted at 12:04am on January 10th, 2017