November 18th, 2013


Meanwhile the vote incentive is....... an unrelated twitter conversation. Vote to see it! xD

And if you missed it last week, that African Fairytale Anthology I've been going on about finally launched its Kickstarter, so be sure to check that out! There's tons of cool people participating and we're almost half-way to our goal -- I'm really psyched! *u*

Vote Incentive for This Comic.

Comment by Kiri

Heeeeeh. I can't tell if Xira is looking resentful or uncertain in second to last panel. XD

TARETH WOULD BE A GREAT POKEMON TRAINER EXCEPT...oh, well, I guess she can sign commands to her Pokemon, but that might be inconvenient in a battle...


posted at 9:45pm on November 18th, 2013

Reply by Shazzbaa



posted at 1:08am on November 24th, 2013

Comment by Riverfox237

AAAAAUGH Tari as pokemon trainer is adorable! XDXDXD And I love the choices for everybody, so appropriate!

Aw man, Tari, this is why you gotta watch what you say. Poor guy's just looking for acceptance. It IS kinda funny that he did the same bit of judgmentalism on Jonan, tho; seems he's as susceptible to such things as Tari. But anyway, societal issues aside, I wonder where they're going? I am excited to see!


posted at 10:03pm on November 18th, 2013

Reply by PK

...Y'know, I read it as he was complaining about the healer who turned them away being a jerk.

But your point remains. *g*


posted at 10:59pm on November 18th, 2013

Reply by Threnodi

Still, Xira didn't say 'erk, a necromancer??' he said 'The necromancer of Rusanne?' o_o; Suggests to me he was reacting to Jonan's very infamous personal reputation, and not a reaction to all necromancers as a whole. I suspect Xira doesn't assume all witches are kindly either, just that all of them shouldn't be judged as a group.

Meanwhile ahh, I want to know what's happening with Sev but I don't want to cut away from this group! Don't suppose we're so lucky that this place is somehow the back door to the temple Sev's making a scene in? ;)

Also wondering if the page number from the book will somehow end up being the address.. o.o


posted at 1:53am on November 19th, 2013

Reply by Riverfox237

Your point is quite right, but I was just referring to his comment on this page; I forgot he was talking about the healer dude because I had just been thinking about how Jonan has all three life magics.


posted at 11:51am on November 19th, 2013

Reply by Threnodi

Ohhhh I see, that makes sense. ..Though now I am waiting for Tareth to lipread whispering people across a room to learn secret intel and Xira being 'how did you know that?' Dunno Tareth, that's kinda creepy!


posted at 1:12pm on November 19th, 2013

Reply by Riverfox237

XD That is an EXCELLENT point! I second this suggestion.


posted at 10:35pm on November 19th, 2013

Reply by Glew



posted at 9:21am on November 20th, 2013

Reply by Shazzbaa

I wish I could fav this comment


posted at 1:07am on November 24th, 2013

Comment by Ely

Augg, Tareth, aren't you supposed to be the sensitive one???


posted at 10:16pm on November 18th, 2013

Comment by Wabbajack

I find it insanely adorable that Tareth considers Dr. Dudeperson s mean healer and Jonan a "nice" necromancer... But then, she sort of ruins that pretty smile with the accompanying statement, if I may say.


posted at 1:12am on November 19th, 2013

Reply by AlpineBob

Well, yeah, she's adorable, but not for that. Because she's speaking in generalities; she might "hypothetically" think her examples are possible without actually considering current characters as being fit for the bill.
Even if she does consider this healer dude to be mean (as opposed to being, say, a coward), she certainly throws a big qualifier at any hint of niceness from Jonan...


posted at 2:30am on November 19th, 2013

Comment by NoRAd

You hear that, Xira? You're creepy, but not necessarily mean.


posted at 4:27am on November 19th, 2013

Comment by Jae

Oh, wow. Can I just say how much I love the art on this page? I'm really blown away right now:
I mean, the atmosphere is fantastic, that slightly dusty, cramped feeling of the city comes across beautifully, the backgrounds are subtle but fantastically detailed even in the closeups, and the close ups are amazing on their own - the expressions, the gestures, the dialogue. Just wow! I could easily imagine this to be a movie, I really could...
Thank you so much for your hard work, the character really, really come to life for me here. :)


posted at 7:54am on November 19th, 2013

Reply by Shazzbaa

Ahhhh GOSH you are too kind! ;u; Thank you so much! :"D


posted at 1:10am on November 24th, 2013

Comment by Glew

Poor Xira, falling victim to the "Everyone should be treated equally and be given a chance, except for _those_ people."
Though assumedly Tari knows little to nothing about witches except what Sev said, about them having "freaky mind powers".


posted at 8:23am on November 19th, 2013

Comment by Threnodi

Hey look! It's five pages later and Jonan's face is still scraped! Prophecy of disaster averted!


posted at 2:18pm on November 19th, 2013

Comment by NoRAd

There is one problem with your vote incentive. Where is Xira's turban?

gg wp


posted at 5:51am on November 20th, 2013

Reply by Shazzbaa

same place as Sev's loincloth


posted at 1:10am on November 24th, 2013

Reply by Wabbajack

I heard an orchestra of crickets rehearse for an intensely awkward concert just now.

Dare I ask where Sev's loincloth is? XD I don't suppose he needs it badly as a strange blobby creature, but he might need it... later.


posted at 9:52am on November 24th, 2013

Reply by Riverfox237

"I heard an orchestra of crickets rehearse for an intensely awkward concert just now."

I may have to steal this quote for my archive now. XD


posted at 4:34pm on November 25th, 2013

Reply by Wabbajack

Bahahaha, be my guest. *bows*


posted at 2:26am on November 27th, 2013

Comment by Fal

It hit me when I read this page that he was a witch (I'm a bit slow, I know; I hadn't even paid any attention to his dark eyes when casting; I knew he was reading minds, but had forgotten witches were the ones who did and the discrimination against them). So I decided to re-read it from the beginning.
Serious mistake! I now have runewriters' withdrawal symptoms, and I read this page some half-a-dozen times since.

But I spotted people with the same headband as Xira being asked to get it off before the gates to check they weren't witches. Wonder if he made it through legally.
And I re-read the scene Xira and Tareth met. He really is very nice.

(I guess this all meant: "great comic, thanks!")


posted at 4:31pm on November 24th, 2013

Comment by Wabbajack

YES I AM SO PLEASED TO SEE LOVELY XIRA ON THE CHARACTER PAGE. I'm also not very surprised to see that he's younger than Tareth -- she just seems to look younger than her age but Xira's age fits great.


posted at 4:01am on November 25th, 2013

Reply by Wabbajack

Also... I laughed out loud when I read what his song is. My mum loves that song.


posted at 4:03am on November 25th, 2013

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