November 19th, 2012

Except for this.

Ran short on time this week for a vote incentive so it is very short, but it also contains sketches from when I was figuring out Jonan's zombie pony!

Vote Incentive for This Comic.

Comment by Nerrin

Oh, I feel compelled to ask, being a rampant gamer nerd myself... Have you put any thought to a playable system or rules for Runewriters stuff? Even just the magic system. I compulsively try to figure out how I'd want to run a tabletop game of half the stuff I read or watch (or even play, with some video games), but I imagine if anyone would have tried to crunch out this stuff for play already it'd be you or someone close to. If for some reason you're averse to the idea, I won't poke any further.


posted at 3:56am on November 21st, 2012

Reply by Shazzbaa

Oh, I definitely have, for a couple of different systems! Though anything I do work out will prooooobably wait until we've seen more of the magic system in the actual comic before I ever put it online, haha.

I'm not opposed to the idea at all, though! And if you wanted to share a thought on how something might work at some point, I'd probably be all ears. xD


posted at 12:32pm on November 23rd, 2012

Reply by Nerrin

I'm kind of eyeballing FATE, particularly the Dresden Files RPG's rules on enchanted items and potions. They work... kind of similarly to what we've seen of runes so far, and there are rules to leave potions "undefined" until you decide to say, "Aha, I have just the potion I need for this situation!" A bit like Sev's little cheaty trick with a simple rune to write a more complex spell on his body, effectively having an undefined rune at all times.

There really isn't enough on magic in the comic yet to do more than sketch out the broad strokes though, yeah, and I can definitely understand wanting to wait on the comic to share your crunch-work. I'm bad about getting this kind of tinkering started and then just petering out real quick, so not exactly going to hammer the point too much anyway.


posted at 3:27am on November 24th, 2012

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