April 16th, 2012

In which we... might have found our guy? Sev seems to recognise his name, at any rate.

As always, voting for Runewriters gets you a peek at my process!

Also, if you missed it, I attempted to record myself drawing a bit using nothing more than photobooth, so if you're curious, you can watch the recordings here and here!

Vote Incentive for This Comic.

Comment by Cony

So, I wonder what happens when a necromancer miscasts? The zombie doesn't come back to life or something? Surely that would be easy to cover up.


posted at 5:53am on April 16th, 2012

Reply by FriendlyNinja

They probably eat the caster. Or explode. Possibly both.


posted at 3:54am on April 18th, 2012

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