March 7th, 2016

That's....not the reaction I was expecting.

Oh my goodness you guys' comments have been making my day!! I hope you were able to catch the extra vote incentive last week. xD I didn't know what to do so the vote incentive for today is just a little note about Jonan's recognisability.

SO!!! I finally STARTED A PATREON!! Patreon is basically a thing where, if you like my work and want a way to support it, you can sign up to give a little bit every month -- and there's some little thank-yous in it for you. : ) I wanna keep my work free to read, so this patreon thing seems like it's right up my alley!! You should definitely go check it out. :D

Vote Incentive for This Comic.

Comment by Toanovu

Wait Jonan has a fan girl? Whelp, that was definitely unexpected.


posted at 6:28am on March 7th, 2016

Reply by Shazzbaa

you mean you DIDN'T expect the tall aloof angsty jerk to be swimming in preteen fangirls????


posted at 2:16pm on March 8th, 2016

Reply by Jade

In all fairness, Jonan seems like he'd be considered something of a tyrant. He's a political figure who used his magic to wreak havoc on the populace for a political cause. Not exactly a preteen's celebrity crush.

(Although he MAY have had fangirls before that happened, and Æmber just doesn't get a lot of info from inside her forcefield. She's been inside that forcefield for years, right?)


posted at 2:43pm on March 8th, 2016

Reply by Shazzbaa

( I'm mostly joking. xD Jonan may be tall and aloof but he doesn't really have The Look -- like, Kylo Ren might be kinda a dork but he still has more fangirls than Grand Moff Tarkin. )


posted at 11:11am on March 9th, 2016

Reply by Heather

Given the sheer number of Severus Snape fangirls I should have seen this coming.


posted at 9:19pm on March 8th, 2016

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